
Friday Electives

Friday elective classes foster your student’s creative and physical development in a relaxed environment where students deepen relationships while broadening and enriching their academic experiences. There is no doubt that creativity is as natural and necessary for children as fresh air and sunshine! Explore GDA’s elective classes to choose what’s right for your family. We look forward to seeing you on Fridays. Wise Time periods are open to students in grades three and above.

When do classes meet?

Enhance Classes meet for the entire school year between 9:00 a.m. – 3:35 p.m. on Fridays. There will be a few Fridays in which classes do not meet. The Academic Calendar will note these. Enhance Classes are only available to GDA students. Friday classes require minimum enrollment numbers for each class.

What are the class fees?

Pricing is $490 per class for the year unless otherwise noted in the course description. Some courses will have an additional course supply fee noted in the description. A 10% discount will be applied to any student enrolling in a full day of (four) Enhance Classes. When you register for classes, you may choose to pay Enhance fees in one payment or to have the balance applied to your tuition payment plan. An additional $50 charge per class will be applied for late enrollments or drops after May 31, 2024. *Exceptions will be made for those enrolling at GDA after May 31, 2024.